Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Veggie Intake for Fat Loss

I would bet all my money that most of you don't consume a significant amount of veggies or fruit in the day. If you want to lose fat, you ought to rethink that.

There are many ways to lose weight, be it a dieting process or regular workouts supported with weight loss supplements. The right way for your weight loss depends on two main factors: your mind set and a balanced diet.

Making up one’s mind with positive energy on losing weight is essential to support your weight loss plans.

Some of the activities that lead to being over weight are lack of a balanced diet with necessary nutrients, fewer activities with respect to eating habits, intake of more fatty and oily junk foods, no regular exercise and proper body health maintenance.

As some weight loss supplements are more focused on selling their products, it is not recommended to rely on the artificial sources when we are gifted with natural support from fruits and vegetable for energy.

Fruits and Vegetable to fight heaviness -

Our body needs a high protein diet to keep up health and fitness to cope with today’s world. Fresh colorful fruits and vegetables on daily basis help in reducing your weight without more struggles as it contains adequate anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber contents to boost your energy level and stamina.

* Acai berry, strawberry, pomegranate, peach, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, melons, apricot and grape fruit are the main fruits that are focused on weight loss.
* Mixed form of vegetables taken with meals acts as the best source to reduce weight rapidly. Broccoli and spinach (folate, vitamin B), cabbage (vitamin A and fiber), collard greens, cucumber, tomatoes and Pepper (vitamin C improves immune system), Eggplant (anti-oxidant content supporting the immune system), carrot (reduces risk of heart), mushroom and onions (anthoxanthins and allicin controls blood pressure)

Over cooking reduces the nutrients, preferably steam your vegetables and use spices to add taste for a better nutritious veggie. A cup of fresh vegetable and fruit salads in the morning-breakfast and evening-tea time can helps you to get the adequate energy and keeps up well balanced nutrients.

Strenuous effort to lose weight can now be handled effectively by packing your meal with complete natural sources of energy – fresh green vegetables in your meal! Yoga for weight loss is an excellent choice to adhere to as well, as it not only strengthens body but stimulates the internal energy from within to keep you active through out the day.

If you managed to read all of that, I now reward you with more hot cosplayer chicks:


lol said...

I honestly don't eat enough vegetables. I know that for sure. I've tried and tried and tried to get on the right track. Chips are better. haha

Wandering said...

Its amazing the lengths people will go to when there are so many simple things to do the trick

sporktar said...

summary: goodweightlosstipswordswordswordswords
Hot chick.

Trelin said...

eat fruit, not plastic. Got it.

Michelangelo said...

Loved the cosplay...

Good article too :)

Chuck said...

Sorry, was just here for the pic. Thank you.

Sphyrix said...

nice chick XD

MRanthrope said...

oranges, apples and raisins are the healthiest things I eat, not everyday either =/

Laurent said...

I agree with you 100%.

pezasied said...

Another very hot girl and thanks for the info, I'll have to eat more veggies

i.Mo said...

nice post!


Sacrilicious said...

I love veggies. Hell, I sometimes make myself a few pieces of steamed broccoli at night when I'm hungry :P

HamBone said...

i love me some veggies! i really like cherry tomatoes. and cucumbers! and avocados!

123 said...

Vegetable= mmmmm
that woman= mmmmmm

overall, this post= mmmmmm

The Old Master said...

I love this, thanks for the tips. I am definitely using this for the future, although I have to learn to eat vegetables haha.

Unknown said...

I am always returning to your blog for cosplays ;)

Andy said...

yep! you gotta get all those food groups in! regardless the amount of exercise.

Coco said...

that's absolutely right.. eat fruits!.. grate read

Schla.mp3 said...

damn that girl is sexy!

Nuker Zero said...

I wonder if she's got a high calorie diet ;)

Team Panda said...

I started eating veggies when i turned vegetarian months ago. I feel a lot better than i did, and actually cut a good amount of weight, good tips btw.

Hmecey said...

Love it!

Jay said...

fresh fruits are not only healthy, they're also quite delicious!

Anonymous said...

Can't disagree.
Nice cosplay pic.

Rockinrule said...

what a great reward.

Anonymous said...

I definitely eat a lot of veggies and fruit. Keeps me feeling satisfied and has low calories... win win!

Anonymous said...

Must eat more vegetables so I can get hot cosplayer chicks!

David said...

Thanks for the information, I really need to start eating more. It's really hard, but I'm going to try to do it.

✗✗ said...

Great post! I am definitely guilty of not eating enough fruits and vegetables. I definitely need to jump on eating more of that if that is what it takes to help lose some weight! : )

Andrew said...

I'm lucky enough to be really skinny, but I still don't eat enough fruit and veg.

Stef Pelgrims said...

cosplay is fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm planning to go vegan in the near future, this helps :P

Spiderflaw said...

Yeah man, i gots to start eating healthier :/

Anonymous said...

i don't eat enough vegetables; but then again i'm trying to gain weight

J said...

Every day i eat steamed veggies for lunch. I'm slowly losing weight just by eating ONE healthy meal a day...

Mo said...

reward = <3

Zieli said...

veggie veggies are the thing!!

T. Roger Thomas said...

Hot girl!

notforeverybody said...

I love fruits. Veggies I only eat with supper but fruits I eat all day long...