Monday, April 4, 2011

Fat loss

I don't have much time this morning, but I wanted to talk about fat loss. I used to be a pretty fat guy at 250lbs. I dieted and worked my way down to 195lbs in about 6 months pretty easily using some techniques I will discuss later.

If you are looking to drop a bit of extra fat, then here are three quick and easy fat loss suggestions to try.

1)Drink WATER: and lots of it. This is the simplest
but maybe the most effective thing you can do to
aide fat loss. Forget about soft drinks (even the
diet ones are loaded with salt) and juice (too many
carbs). Good old H2O is the only way to go.

2)Switch from a diet plan focused around carbohydrates
(breads, pastas, fruits, etc.) to one focused around
lean sources of protein (egg whites, skinless chicken
and turkey breast, fish, whey based protein powders
and MRPs, etc.)

3)Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism
burning on high. You CANNOT go 5 or 6 hours without
eating, get extremely hungry, and pig out with one
huge meal. This is without a doubt the worst way
to eat possible, and you'll never drop fat
with this method. Instead, eat small portions every
3 hours or so throughout the day.

If you're looking to lose some fat and get fit and healthy, that is a good start. I will cover some other steps later and go into more depth for focused fat loss.

Until next time: Jessie Nigri -


i.Mo said...

that's a great post. nice tips. especially for sping it is very usefull! thanks for posting!

Sphyrix said...

thanks for the tips man.

MRanthrope said...

thats some good advice there. I think the water bit is seriously important. So many people fail to realize how essential it is.

TheStamos said...

thanks for these tips, i do need to shed 10 pounds or so. Then need to work on building more muscle!

Sacrilicious said...

Good tips. Can use a few actually ;)

Joel C Anatoli said...

Thanks for the tips! You got a new follower

123 said...

Good thing i love water :D

Mo said...

very nice! thanks for sharing!
and hi to my nametwin ;O

Unknown said...

great tips

pezasied said...

Good luck on the weight loss, and sooo hot

pezasied said...

My post was directed at the commentors sorry

Jay said...

this is very useful, thanks for the tips.

G said...

great tips bro

cool_cicler said...

Nice advice, but I just keep on comming to your site because of those wonderful ladies you keep on showing ahah. Thanks man, will follow

Magz Killgore said...

Im going to start drinking ridic amounts of water.

Andy said...

I think exercise is important. if you do a lot of it then you can eat what you want for your diet.

ed said...

genetics plays a big part too

T. Roger Thomas said...

I like the photo of the athletic guy trying to escape the fat man's body.


Icepax_Nmir said...

Thanks for the timps, If i need them one day, they might be handy... Also, RIKU <3

EmoGoth said...

Losing weight really isn't that difficult if you have the motivation. After the first few pounds come off, it becomes a game.

Blog Hunt said...

Thanks for the tips! I'm definitely using this!

izzfoshizzz said...

jessie. mmm damn.

Wumbo said...

I liked this post; so much truth! A lot about weight loss is in what you eat and alot of people don't really like to follow. Anyway great post!

Dazza said...

thnaks for the tips mate

Mike said...

yup, small frequent meals are the key to a fast metabolism, I think something like 50-60% of the calories you burn throughout the day are from your resting metabolism

R. Cutts said...

everything i read in your post was wiped out by the young lady down the bottom :)

Anonymous said...

Great tips! It's really important to eat 6 meals instead of 3 because it really makes a big difference :D

Jellybro said...

yes! yes!! 100 times yes~!

zanderco said...

nice guide, props

Grafted said...

Great post! Following

✗✗ said...

Awesome tips, Thank you!!

Nico De said...

she's cute! fatness scares me /: thanks for the tips! i drink like a gallon of water a day :D its the besttt

Intraman said...

great tips!

Anonymous said...

I also used to be a fat bastard and... then I started to eat more :)

Davide said...

nice pic :D

Scott said...

Seems like everyone is blogging about weight loss this week. Maybe the internet is trying to tell me something.

Unknown said...

This is useful stuff, thanks.

Nuker Zero said...

I practice this every day without even realizing it. Gracias. Btw, i'm looking for $upport.

Anonymous said...

Good tips.. not very fat myself, but I definitely don't have the healthiest diet. Nice tips to follow, thanks