Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hearing and it's importance for life functions

So my coach got a cold hit in on my left ear last thursday. It felt like a rush of wind entered my head and I heard ringing. The ringing went away but now everything feels... different. I can hear just fine out of my left ear but I can also hear INSIDE my head. When I take a shower it feels like what rain on a tin roof feels like. So odd.

Good times.

With that I leave you with a picture of Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.


Flames said...

She looks beautiful!

tissue rejection said...

I want her to be my girlfriend :P

Sean said...

Whoa. That is the best Dr. Mrs. The Monarch cosplay I think I have ever seen. Nice find man!

Sphyrix said...

@tissue rejection
me too >.<

Unknown said...

she's all mine guise!

John A.S. said...

interesting article! And A+++++ threadsaver :D

Navi said...

good pic

Sacrilicious said...

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your post over the sound of her cleavage.


Rasslin' and MMA said...

I lust for her like twentyone

WizWayne said...

glad I can hear would suck

Tommy said...

Looks like a Disney cosplay!

Blk Jesus said...

nice picture. hope ur ear gets better

sporktar said...

Sick cosplay. Does she sound like a man?

Dade said...

It's true but a sexy girl looks sexy in anything.

Unknown said...

Haha, great pic. I hope you will recover soon.

MuteMath Fan said...

Hope you get to feeling better.

Kevings said...

Sorry abou tthe ear, really am. But sure is a nice picture you found!

CD-Roomba said...

I'll bet she doesn't have the same sexy voice, though.

Unknown said...

wooopa, shes a beauty!

Piets said...

Rawr :3

Electric Addict said...

mmm mmm yum lol

Bob lehcror said...

so cute thanks..

Onikazam said...

That sounds horrible, man. I've never been a physical guy so I don't get into situations where I get my ears, or any part of my body, knocked hard.

Fluff3 said...


123 said...

oh the things i would do ;_;

notforeverybody said...

I would look into that ear thing if I were you...

Swxxt said...

Weird thing to happen to your ear might get old really quick

Buzzy Lights said...

Woah she is beautiful O.O

David said...

That happened to my ear once. It went away after about a week, little by little.

Lemmiwinks said...

great post. following you

Aureal said...

You might get that ear checked out.

She's a dime dude, damn.

cool_cicler said...

That chick is gold.

RedHeadRob said...

I hope your ear gets better!

Rolo said...

HNNNNNG! Ms monarch. I don't care if she sounds like that lady with the hole in her throat in those cigarette commercials, she's still hot.

ed said...

lovely picture

ChicagoTaste said...

She's so hot. The only way to fix your ear is to ride it out. Hope it feels better.

Magz Killgore said...


Rank said...

I've had that happen to me before.

Jake said...

That can't be good. You should definitely get that checked out, man. By the way, do you take a lot of acid? lol

Inhia said...

0.0 now you have super hearing


kidding, that shit will go away in a few.... weeks =D

Max Brawn said...

I like all my senses... Hopefully it fixes itself, maybe you blew an ear drum. I'd go see a doctor, unless of course you live in USA.

Anonymous said...

Hope your ear problems get fixed soon! Hot chick btw :D

Stromatose said...

oh damn... i....

yeah had the same thing happen once. doc can't do anything for it. just gotta ride it out. took me just under two weeks. i seem to remember being encouraged to eat a lot more protein during that time but i really don't remember why.

vashrave said...

oh wow. lol. Does it kinda feel like your ear...drum thing is dented and blocks up your ear? idk hope it goes away.


Jay said...

thanks for the pic though. :)

Nuker Zero said...

That can happen with the air pressure etc on the ear drum. Maybe you have a bigger problem? Also, I need $upport, just sayin. :(

tiide said...

sucks dude, hope that works itself out for you.

Azurikai said...

cute & regal.

Mike said...

...Why does this remind me of a Pokemon becoming a human...



Team Panda said...

whoa, what did your coach do to your ear? thats messed up, nice cosplay btw. venture brothers rule

Kontingency said...

sounds weird op O_o

✗✗ said...

Yikes! I hope it gets better!

Blog Hunt said...

She's stunning!

Patti D. said...

That is very odd, you should go see a doctor.

JaksonHunt said...

She's prettay :3

Randy said...

Im sure your ear will get better

Unknown said...

she is beautiful!

BORIS said...

She looks nice :D hmmm

Chuck said...

pic = win

Anonymous said...

Damn.. do want

MRanthrope said...

oh LAWD, need more of her in my life.

T. Roger Thomas said...

I can't look away from her.

T. Roger Thomas said...

I can't look away from her.