So I hear through the grapevine that the guy I'll be fighting in June is now telling his friends "I don't even care now, I just want to knee him in the face then I'll throw the fight."
You know what that sounds like to me? Pre-justification for a loss. I'm really looking forward to this fight.
Yeah sounds like a copout to me. When is the fight.
nice pic :D:D
lol … he's trying to save his pride. Who cares he's still hurt. I'm rooting for ya!
you can do it!!
nice picture! you draw it in the "sin city-style" everything is black & white just the blood is reed!
following and supporting!
thats crazy!
very interesting post..followed.
nice picture :D
I agree with you. Sounds like a real coward to me.
mhhh...i'd like to see more of this!
Take up boxing, then when the fight comes he won't stand a chance and you can show him up in front of his friends! Cool blog, followed.
nah don't do boxing. Learn how to take a punch, and return it.
looks good!
following and supporting!
sounds like a biznitch... keep us updated on this for sure (and try not to get kneed in the face)
fuck that bitch up! lul
Lmao! fight to death stick man style with a twist of wi boxing. awesumm
sounsd like he's scared, I would be scared.
Be sure to knee his face good!
Haha. Sounds to me like you're gonna own his ass!
looking forward to this!
Just make sure he never lands that one hit, eh?
Very nice picture!
Chuck Norris thinks you will kick ass, and if Chuck Norris thinks it, then so it shall be.
If he pulls something like that, burn his house down
...unless you really want to
good luck with your fighting goals 2011
Ah good luck dude, but he sounds like a complete idiot saying stuff like that. And people wonder why so many people hate boxing!
you going on bully beatdown or something?
I totally agree with you mate!
Good Luck on the fight but it sounds like you got this! The other guy sounds like he already lost.
Thanks for stopping by/following my site. I'm following now!!
Definitely sounds like a cop-out.
haha I hope it works out for you.
Good luck.
Following :D
sounds good to me!
Sounds like he's scared he's gonna get his ass kicked.
Fuck him up bro, Good luck
Good luck dude, keep posting news about it, following!
Sounds like he's covering his own butt for whatever comes, yes.
Thanks for the comments and support on my blog
Great pic
Well good luck and be careful, pride or not.
well keep us updated. bust some ass!
fuck just dropped a chip. brb
found it
Kick some ASS C. Bass!
you will win! :P
creepy pic :D go for it
Creeeeepy pic dude :)
Don't fight!! it will not end well
wow hahaha
This is easily the most ridiculous thing I've read.
haha.. hes running scared. nice pic :)
lol wat
haha, cool picture!! thanks for comment in my blog! im following!
Follow me :D
You can do it!!
ahh he should just go for it
i'm on your corner dude. your corner.
will it be recorded? :3 put it on the blogggggg
haha nice!
Oh wow. So that's how he acts?
let him speak. you will show him in the ring.
Kick his ass :D
Best of luck!
Haha, he's already rationalizing! He must know he sucks. Good luck!!
I'll keep following, follow me!
Lol'd at the picture!
Followed :)
Gonna make him bleed grapes lol
Kick the coward's butt.
Punch him in the chest, then comment how you aren't sure you should fight him because he has womanly breasts.
following and $upporting
your best friend
ooo! cant wait for an update on this :3
It's all mind games...get in there and do the business...nuff said
Dude just Falcon Punch him.
cool pic dude
Sort him out!
Good luck! You don't really seem like you'll need it though...
Awesome blog man! Keep up the good work! It will pay off!
Kick his ass!
good text, interesting read :)
nice pic :)
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